
Serving Families Throughout Palm Beach Gardens

Divorce is a stressful, life-changing transition, especially for children. Divorce often significantly changes your disposable income, your level of parental involvement, and your ownership of property. Unfortunately for many, divorce is the single worst financial experience of their lives.

Our goal at John F. Schutz, P.L. is to secure the brightest financial future for our clients and to shelter children from the effects of divorce. After all, a divorce does not end the parents’ relationship with one another; they will always share a bond through their children. The manner in which the divorce is handled either strengthens or undermines a parent’s ability to co-parent in the future.

How We Work

The Palm Beach divorce lawyers at John F. Schutz, P.L. are your guides and advocates throughout your divorce. We gather the information necessary to prepare your case. We will pursue a resolution at the earliest opportunity through mediation, knowing sometimes the greatest emotional and financial expense occurs when a case goes to trial. If a settlement cannot be reached through mediation, John F. Schutz, P.L. will litigate on your behalf. And if appeals are necessary, we continue to fight for your best interests, as Mr. Schutz and Mr. Lazarchick are both skilled in the family law appellate process.

Should your case necessitate the use of outside experts, John F. Schutz, P.L. has ready access to a host of seasoned professionals, including Certified Public Accountants, business valuators, real estate appraisers, personal property appraisers, vocational evaluators, psychologists, and others who understand the impact of Florida divorce laws on individual lives.

Divorce can be contentious for spouses. We believe a divorce lawyer’s best tool is objectivity.  An excellent Florida divorce lawyer does not champion a spouse’s anger, but strives to reduce emotion while seeking the most favorable resolution for you.

Child Support


Child Custody & Visitation

Collaborative Law


Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

Division of Marital Property & Debt



Spousal Support

International Custody Disputes & Child Abduction

Child Relocation

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